
I am a software developer, and convinced of the open source philosophy.

For this reason, I do not type the stories into an ordinary word processing software, but use a somewhat more sophisticated “stack”.

Nevertheless, all the software used is open and free to use. All you need is a PC, which doesn’t even have to be particularly powerful.

Conception and Text Work

I use VSCodium for the actual writing. I write the stories in Markdown.

For plotting, I also use VSCodium and Minder as mind mapping software.

All the work is of course versioned with git.

I use Fedora Linux as a base, which I have been loyal to since its first version.


For post-editing, I let pandoc generate a PDF with large line spacing and wide margins.

I then edit these texts on a tablet with an ePaper display and pen. Here, nothing beats quick handwritten notes that I can scribble on the page, so the reading flow is interrupted as little as possible.

Instead of a tablet, you could of course just print out the PDF, but I prefer to work as paperless as possible.


This website is generated with Hugo and a self-designed template. It is purely static, without a database or content server.

A self-developed program generates all ePUB files from the individual chapters and the cover images. I use Python, ebooklib, Jinja2, Pillow, pyphen and python-qrcode for this.

The entire publishing process including layout, hyphenation and generation of the eBooks is fully automated, so that I can concentrate on the content.

The following resources are used for this website: