
This is a private, non-profit and non-commercial web site.

Contact me by E-Mail


This website is operated by:

Richard Koerber
514‽‽ Bergisch Gladbach

My full address can be requested by e-mail if legally required.


The information provided on this website has been compiled and processed with great care. Nevertheless I do not guarantee for its completeness or correctness.

The plot and all characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to living persons or actual events would be purely coincidental and unintentional.

The contents are protected by copyright. It may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons-Lizenz CC BY-NC-SA (copy).

Commercial use of the content is generally prohibited. If you need an exception, please contact me.

Third party content is noted as such and may be subject to a different license. I take care to respect that license, or obtain the prior permission of the copyright owner. However, if you find content that infringes your copyright, please get in contact with me. I will remove that content immediately.


This website is free of ads. I am not pursuing to make profit, but simply run it as a hobby. The operation of this website is paid in full by myself.

Company names, brands, or trademarks are used on a voluntary base, and without any payment or other compensation of the respective owner.

Links to companies or products are not affiliate links. This means that I won’t get any kind of commission if you click on a link.

Use of Generative AI

The short stories and all other text content are entirely created by me. The stories are the heart of this website and I enjoy creating and writing them. It would be absurd to have them generated.

The cover images were created by generative systems. They are for illustrative purposes only and were checked by me for suitability before publication. The image content is fictitious. Any resemblance to real places or people would be purely coincidental.

Translations of the texts may have been done by machine, but the content was always checked and edited by a human.

Data Privacy

See here.

Environmental Protection

This server is powered by green electricity from wind or hydropower.