
The best data protection is to not collect data in first place. I have taken great care to make your visit as data-neutral as possible.

No personal data is collected or stored.


This website does not use cookies.

ePUB Files

The ePUB files offered for download on this website contain no individual markings, watermarks or similar features that would allow tracing back to the person who downloaded them. They are also DRM-free.

Color Scheme

This website offers two color schemes (light and dark). By default, the color scheme specified by your browser or operating system is automatically used. If you manually select a different scheme, your selection will be stored in your browser so that the following pages are also displayed in the color scheme of your choice. The selection is not transferred to the server. To delete the stored color selection, simply set it back to “automatic”.


See here.

Changes to the privacy notice

I reserve the right to amend this privacy notice from time to time, for example to comply with current legal requirements or when introducing new services.

Last updated: Jun 17, 2024